“Teachers of English for Future Europe: Experience Teaching Practice Internationally” is a foundational TEFE BIP International Teaching Practice Induction Programme. It offers an opportunity for aspiring student teachers and teacher educators to gain international teaching practice experience in TEFE consortium countries, in this instance, experience of the German primary and secondary school education. The programme is delivered as part of the three-year Erasmus+ Cooperative Partnership project: Teachers of English for Future Europe – Putting the Internationalisation of Teaching Practice into Action. The programme highlights include: an introduction to the TEFE A+ project consortium, collaboration in trans-national teacher groups, school visits and observations to experience teaching practice internationally, and advancing employability as future teachers of English.
Zutritt | nicht öffentlich |
Anmeldung | notwendig |
Veranstaltende | Zentrum für Lehrkräftebildung und Fachdidaktik, Professur für Amerikanistik/Cultural and Media Studies |
E-Mail (für Rückfragen) | matthias.fuchs@uni-passau.de |