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Berufe im Profil international: Sustainability Coordinator for cocoa projects in the chocolate industry

Speaker: Isaac Bamfo Ntiamoah

Company: Albrecht & Dill Trading GmbH

Position: Sustainability Coordinator

Degree programme: MA. Development Studies

Personal Description:

I love to be part of things that fall within the paradigms of sustainable development.

I am an affable young man who is always interested in supporting people to reach the best of heights they can...

What defines your job:

Mandatory requirements are: Prior working experience is key, proficient in english and at least basic

french/german/spanish, background in a social science related degree

Necessary soft skills: Cultural sensitive, Communication, Open-minded, Teamplayer, and Leadership

What I like most: To help people; The end-results of my inputs

Most exciting challenge so far: Pitching a business idea to investors and eventually winning a contract for the company while I was working as an intern

Don‘t get discouraged by: Distractions

My job is especially suitable for people studying: Sustainability, Rural development, Development studies, Agricultural studies, any other Social science related programs

Brief job description:

My job is related to the chocolate and cocoa sector. The company procures cocoa from different countries for chocolate companies in Europe & Asia. As a sustainability coordinator I am largely responsible for ensuring that the company’s operations in origin are environmentally friendly, socially acceptable, and economically profitable. More specifically, my duty is to ensure that the company complies with certification standards, and to also ensure that there are no issues of child labour and deforestation in our supply chain.

Further information: To participate in the webinar, a registration on Stud.IP is required. The access link will be announced shortly before the event.

15.05.2024, 18:00 - 20:00 Uhr
ONLINE via Zoom

Weitere Informationen

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Anmeldung notwendig
Veranstaltende ZKK Zukunft: Karriere und Kompetenzen (ZKK), In cooperation with iStudi Coach
Veranstaltungs-Website https://studip.uni-passau.de/studip/dispatch.php/course/details?sem_id=50a6c983129ca28bc544418bea21af68&again=yes
E-Mail (für Rückfragen) zkk@uni-passau.de

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