If you have a place at one of our European partner universities, you will usually receive a grant from the University of Passau towards the mobility costs associated with studying in an Erasmus+ country. In addition, you do not have to pay tuition fees at the host university.
The amount of the mobility grant depends, on the one hand, on the total amount of funding allocated to the University of Passau for the relevant year. On the other hand, the amount of the grant depends on the host country. The Erasmus+ countries have been divided into country groups, each with a different funding rate:
Denmark, Finland, Ireland, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Norway, Sweden
Belgium, France, Greece, Italy, Malta, Netherlands, Austria, Portugal, Spain, Cyprus
Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, North Macedonia, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Turkey, Hungary
*) it is possible that the entire duration of the stay will not be supported.
Denmark, Finland, Ireland, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Norway, Sweden
Belgium, France, Greece, Italy, Malta, Netherlands, Austria, Portugal, Spain, Cyprus
Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, North Macedonia, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Turkey, Hungary
*) it is possible that the entire duration of the stay will not be supported.
Denmark, Finland, Ireland, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Norway, Sweden, United Kingdom
Belgium, Germany, France, Greece, Italy, Malta, Netherlands, Austria, Portugal, Spain, Cyprus
Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia (FYROM), Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Turkey, Hungary
*) it is possible that the entire duration of the stay will not be supported.
Students with disabilities (from GdB = 20) or chronic illnesses (with additional financial needs abroad) and students with children who would like to study abroad via Erasmus+ have the opportunity to apply for special funding via Erasmus+ as a subsidy for the additional costs incurred by the stay abroad. Further information on this special grant can be found on the website of the European Agency for Development in Special Needs Education and at the International Office.
The students concerned will receive EUR 250 per month in addition to the regular funding rates (applicable from academic year 2022-23).
If exceptionally high additional costs arise during a study abroad program due to a disability or chronic illness or because a child is taken along during the entire stay abroad, an individual application is also possible in which the real costs are taken into account. The application must be submitted at least three months before the start of the mobility. For the application and further information please contact Almut Bareiß.
In the new Erasmus+ program generation starting in 2021, Erasmus+ participants are to be sensitized to the topics of sustainability, climate change and environmental protection, and in particular to the ecological footprint that participants create through mobility. The European Commission will therefore support environmentally friendly "green" travel in the Erasmus+ program in the future with financial grants from program funds.
Those who travel to the host university by bus, train or carpool can apply for a one-time top-up of 50 EUR on the individual grant. In addition, two days of travel are financially supported as additional days of stay.
The International Office will automatically check whether the Erasmus+ Mobility Grant is available; a separate application by the students is not necessary. If necessary, financial support will initially only be provided for part of the granted Erasmus+ period. The remaining time then runs as a so-called 'Zero grant' period without financial support.
If financial support is already available in the form of a scholarship, the parallel funding to Erasmus+ will be reviewed. The Deutschlandstipendium scholarship can be combined with the Erasmus+ scholarship.
Please also inform yourself about further possibilities for financing your stay abroad in Europe or the rest of the world.
If the requirements of the Erasmus+ programme are not met (e.g. submission of the required documents on time, completion of the courses listed in the Learning Agreement, usually 20-30 ECTS per semester, proof of stay for the entire funding period), the financial support may be reclaimed at the end. If less than 20 ECTS are passed, a justification for the shortfall in the number of ECTS must be submitted and a decision will be made on a possible reduction in funding.