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Central facilities and services

This page provides an introduction of the University's central services and facilities. If you are looking for the University's research institutions, please visit the research institutions page.

Passau International Centre of Advanced Interdisciplinary Studies (PICAIS)

PICAIS is the University's central cross-project platform for academic excellence and interdisciplinary convergence. It promotes research aligned with the University's strategic guiding themes, supporting interdisciplinary project ideas that break new ground in terms of the topics examined and the methods employed. The centre is dedicated to the advancement of early career researchers and the creation of opportunities for network-building and interdisciplinary co-operation. PICAIS attracts international visiting scholars to Passau and integrates them into the University's academic community.

Visit the PICAIS website

Graduate Centre

The Graduate Centre provides comprehensive information on all organisational and interdisciplinary matters related to doctoral and postdoctoral research and study. It is dedicated to the advancement of early career researchers and supports doctoral students, postdocs and those working towards their 'Habilitation' qualification with financial grants, information on funding programmes and scholarships and a tailored range of training courses. In addition, the centre advises the University Executive and the faculties on the development and implementation of concepts for the advancement of early career researchers in order to bring about improvements in supervision and working conditions.

Visit the Graduate Centre website

Sports Centre

The Sports Centre's remit covers two key areas: On the one hand, it provides subject and didactic training for students enrolled in a teacher education programme with physical education as a teaching subject; on the other, it plans and administers the recreational sports offerings for all students and staff of the University. The Sports Centre offers a wide selection of classes in different sports and physical activities. As the University is a partner university of high-performance sports, the Sports Centre also supports athletes in balancing their studies with competitive sport. A laboratory equipped with all standard procedures is available for performance diagnostics and training consultations.

Visit the Sports Centre website

Language Centre

The Language Centre enables students to learn foreign languages, either as a formal part of their degree programme or as a voluntary additional qualification. Its wide range of language courses, which include European and Asian languages, are offered free of charge to enrolled students. The subject-specific language programmes in particular provide learners with a qualification that adds value for their further studies and professional life after university.

Visit the Language Centre website

University Library

The University Library is the central organisation that supplies all University members with scientific information. In addition to its core service of ensuring the supply of academic literature, the University Library offers training in information retrieval and provides support for the publication of academic papers, dissertations and theses. Its online catalogue, which comprises holdings of over 2 million printed and digital media, can be searched at any time and from anywhere. The five reading rooms of the University Library are also open to visitors from Passau and the surrounding region.

Visit the University Library website

Centre for Information Technology and Media Services (ZIM)

The ZIM is the University's central unit for all IT and media matters. Whether you are a student or an employee of the University, whether your have a problem with your workplace PC or need help with your studies or your research project – we are there for you. Our services include advising you on the best use of (multi-)media, giving support on your research project and, naturally, there is a support helpdesk in case you have any questions about the services we offer or difficulties with our systems.

Visit the ZIM website

Teacher Education Centre (ZLF)

The Teacher Education Centre provides prospective students and those enrolled in the teacher education programmes with hands-on advice, support and information for their study programme. The ZLF offers an overview of possible combinations of teaching subjects, helps students draw up their timetables and keeps them up to date about required practice teaching at schools. If you are a teacher education student, the ZLF will also help you to arrange suitable practice teaching at schools.

Visit the Teacher Education Centre website

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Graduate Centre




Language Centre


University Library


Centre of Information Technology and…


Teacher Education Centre

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