Diversity Audit "Vielfalt gestalten"
Successful Conclusion of the Diversity Audit
In March 2024 the University of Passau successfully completed the Diversity Audit "Vielfalt gestalten".
The most important result of the audit is the Diversity Guideline, which serves as the basis for the future diversity strategy.
We would like to thank all members of the University who participated and collaborated in the Audit!
What is the Diversity Audit "Vielfalt gestalten"?
The Stifterverband's Diversity Audit "Vielfalt gestalten" strengthens universities and other research institutions in designing structures, instruments and measures to better integrate diverse groups of people into everyday academic life.
The auditing process spans a period of approximately two and a half years and consists of an internal auditing process and a Diversity Forum. The internal auditing process serves the (further) development and implementation of a university-specific diversity strategy.
Dr. Daniela De Ridder accompanies us as auditor.
Project Lead: Vice President for International Affairs and Diversity
Project Coordination: Diversity Management Officer
Why does the University of Passau partake in the Diversity Audit?
With its participation in the audit "Vielfalt gestalten" (Shaping Diversity), the University of Passau is deepening its campus-wide engagement with the topic of diversity and creating more participation spaces. The creation of a space for diversity-sensitive discourse will be continued in order to secure a culture of appreciation and to increase the satisfaction of students and employees. Based on the core responsibilities of teaching, research and knowledge transfer, it is the goal of the University of Passau to develop as a social community in such a way as to enable constructive interaction that is beneficial for all.
On the basis of a critical-reflexive diversity approach, the following should be achieved:
- advancement of concrete necessary structural and subject-oriented changes,
- evaluation and bundling of already existing diversity oriented measures and projects and
- visibility, discourse and participation in the area of diversity are to be sustainably secured as an integral quality factor at the University.
Who is behind the Audit?
For the strategic monitoring of the Audit, there is a Strategy Committee that keeps the overview of the auditing process within the University.
Strategy Comittee
The Steering Group meets at regular intervals and is made up of the spokespeople of the individual working groups ("AGs") and their representatives, as well as people who represent the University's different groups and functionaries. The Steering Group serves as a platform for exchange between the working groups and the steering committee. Thus, it is permanently involved in the content-related work and the documentation of results. It also has the task of bringing the perspectives and concerns of all University members to the Audit and communicating the contents and results to the University community
Steering Group
The Diversity Audit is primarily driven by the individual working groups ("AGs"). For a sustainable focus on topics and the practical implementation of the set goals, four working were created. They consist of members of the guidance board, other experts from various disciplines and people from all status groups of the University who are interested in the topics.
AG 1 Vision and Communication
AG 2 Service and Counselling
AG 3 Learning and Teaching
AG 4 Research and Knowledge-Transfer
Which Topics Do We Focus On?
The working groups focus on the following fields of action:
The aim of AG 1 is to develop and sustain measures and structures. All university members should be able to participate in the regular exchange and critically accompany it.
- Value shaping
- Mission statement (diversity guideline)
- Internal communication of the Audit at the University
- External communication of the Audit
AG 2 aims to optimise the structures for counselling services at the University of Passau and to describe and demand general conditions for accessibility.
- Accessibility
- On campus
- Online an for documents
- For studies
- Service
- Website/presence of contact points
- Guide and structure on experts and referrals
The aim of AG 3 is to develop concepts, guidelines and handouts. These pursue the goal of creating awareness for diversity in teaching and learning, promoting a cultural change with regard to diversity in teaching and creating space for positive interaction and an open culture of conversation and regarding mistakes.
- What is diversity-sensitive teaching?
- Diversity-sensitive teaching and training measures
- Study programme reform
AG 4 aims to increase internal networking and visibility of diversity research and to shape regional transfer of research into civil society.
- Diversity-related research topics at the University of Passau
- Transfer into society
- Workshops
- Opening events
Here you can find the first self-report first self-report (in German) of the University of Passau for the participation in the Diversity Audit "Vielfalt gestalten". It describes the starting position, strategic planning and development goals.
Here you can find the second self-report of the University of Passau (in German). This report summarises the audit process, sets out the objectives and measures developed during the audit and provides an outlook for future work in the area of diversity at our university.