Ombudspersons and confidential advisers are independent and neutral contact persons for specific topics and are appointed by the University for a term of three years. They act as contact persons for all members of the University for their respective areas of responsibility and groups of people.
Their remit also includes preventing unfair treatment of groups of people and to ensure that their interests are taken into account.
The following ombudspersons and confidential advisers are here for you at the University of Passau:
Ombudspersons act as contact persons in matters of good research practice or its potential violation through scientific misconduct. In cases of conflict, they will act as mediators if required. They are supported by the Standing Committee for the Investigation of Allegations of Academic Misconduct.
The ombudsperson for international students is the contact person for all questions and problems concerning the rights of international students both within the University of Passau and vis-à-vis the public authorities.
The confidential adviser for early career researchers provides advice in the event of conflicts or other problems arising from the supervisory relationship between doctoral candidates and professors or from the relationship between habilitation candidates and the group of subject-specific mentors, particularly during the qualification phase.