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National Code of Conduct for German Universities Regarding International Students

In November 2009, the general meeting of the German Rectors' Conference (HRK) formally adopted the National Code of Conduct for German Universities Regarding International Students. The aim of this code of conduct is to ensure that the student experience of international students enrolled at German universities is of a high quality, and that it is improved continuously. It sets out common minimum quality standards for the treatment of international students relating to information and marketing, admissions, supervision, support and advice, as well as follow-up services.

Support and advice for international students

This is based on the guiding principle that, to the greatest possible extent, international students should enjoy the same rights as their German and EU peers, and receive the additional support they need as guests from abroad. The ombudsperson for international students at the University of Passau is ready to help international students with all rights issues both within the University and in their dealings with the public authorities.

Adequate support

As a signatory to the Code of Conduct, the University of Passau is committed to providing adequate support and advice to its international students and ensuring a successful completion of their studies. The signing by the University of Passau has been documented in the HRK's Hochschulkompass.

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