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Presentation: DiLit - Digital und AI Literacy in der Lehrerbildung

The next Young AI Researchers Present event will take place on Tuesday, 21 January 2025.

Topic: DiLit - Digital und AI Literacy in der Lehrerbildung
Speakers: Dr Tamara Rachbauer and Johannes Graup
Time: 16:15 - 17:15
Location: SR007 (ISA)

In this lecture (in German), the speakers will focus on the diverse applications of artificial intelligence in teaching. They will present how digital and AI-based approaches can enrich university teaching and introduce practical methods that can be implemented directly in your own teaching.

We cordially invite all interested academic staff to take part in this event and look forward to a lively exchange!


Presentation in German.

Die Präsentation „DiLit – Digital und AI Literacy in der Lehrerbildung“, gehalten von Johannes Graup und Dr. Tamara Rachbauer, thematisiert ein innovatives, modular aufgebautes Fortbildungsprogramm für Lehramtsanwärterinnen und -anwärter. Ziel des Programms ist es, digitale Kompetenzen zu fördern und Lehrkräfte auf den Einsatz von Künstlicher Intelligenz (KI) im Unterricht vorzubereiten.

Das Programm besteht aus vier Modulen:

  1. Grundlagen: Einführung in verschiedene digitale Werkzeuge sowie die eigenständige Erstellung und Nutzung digitaler Ressourcen.
  2. Digitale Lernkultur: Vermittlung der acht Dimensionen digitaler Lernkulturen nach Irion und Knoblauch, um zeitgemäße Lern- und Lebensräume zu gestalten.
  3. Digitale Lernkultur im Unterricht: Anwendung der erlernten Konzepte und digitalen Tools in konkreten Unterrichtsszenarien, einschließlich besonderer Unterrichtsvorbereitung und Reflexion.
  4. Reflexion: Vertiefte Anwendung in Unterrichtsvorhaben, Übertragung auf andere Fächer sowie die nachhaltige Integration der gewonnenen Kompetenzen in den eigenen Unterricht.

Die zweijährige Fortbildung kombiniert praxisorientierte Erfahrungen mit regelmäßiger Reflexion und wissenschaftlicher Evaluation. Dies ermöglicht es Lehrkräften, digitale Kompetenzen langfristig in ihren Unterricht zu integrieren und Schülerinnen und Schülern eine moderne Bildung zu bieten.

Dr. Tamara Rachbauer

Dr Tamara Rachbauer is dedicated to researching digital educational processes and innovative learning concepts. She studied media informatics and earned a master's degree in education and media. She actively researches the further development of modern teaching and learning concepts. She is an expert in digitalisation and contact person for digital distance learning formats. Her academic interests include e-portfolios in teacher training, digital competences, artificial intelligence in the educational context and innovative teaching formats.

Johannes Graup

Johannes Graup is a teacher at primary and secondary schools. Since 2020, he has been working as an information technology consultant for digital education (iBdB) in the districts of Freyung-Grafenau and Regen. He specialises in research into digital education and AI skills. He has published several scientific articles on the promotion of digital literacy in teacher training. In particular, he analyses the possibilities of integrating modern technologies and artificial intelligence into teacher training.

Young AI Researchers Present

With Young AI Researchers Present, the University of Passau is emphasising the importance and potential of artificial intelligence (AI) in research and teaching. This format is aimed at academic staff and early career researchers who use AI methods in their work and would like to discuss their findings and questions with a broad audience on the basis of a short presentation.

The aim of the format is to intensify interdisciplinary dialogue, create new impetus for collaboration between the faculties and offer young scientists a platform to present their ideas and work. In addition to scientific exchange, the focus is also on practical orientation: the approaches presented should inspire and at the same time serve as a basis for the participants' own research or teaching.

Artificial intelligence is increasingly permeating all scientific disciplines and opening up new possibilities for research and application. Whether in medicine, the humanities or computer science - AI methods can often be flexibly applied to different questions and contexts. Young AI Researchers Present creates a platform on which partners can be found for interdisciplinary scientific collaboration within the University of Passau.

In addition to existing initiatives such as the AI tutor project, which promotes the integration of AI into university teaching, Young AI Researchers Present makes an important contribution to the further development of university AI competences, especially for mid-level researchers.

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