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Around 11 million tons of food waste are produced in Germany every year. This extends along the entire supply chain - from production to the household. In many cases, food is thrown away that could still be consumed without hesitation. By reducing this waste , we protect valuable resources and the climate, as both the production and transportation of food release considerable amounts of greenhouse gases (sourse: BMEL). The club Foodsharing e.V.has been working throughout Germany for years toincrease the value of food and reduce food waste.


In cooperation with the Foodsharing district of Passau, we provide a “Fairteiler” on our campus in the NK copy room R226 (Nikolakloster, Innstraße 40, on the right behind the upper entrance).

This public food exchange shelf offers you the opportunity to share food that is still edible free of charge. The initiative was launched at the Sustainability Round Table in June 2023, initiated by students Deborah Schmiedel and Rebecca Bieling with the support of our Climate Protection Manager Angie Schüppel.


The FairTeiler is checked and cleaned daily to ensure compliance with hygiene regulations. Dedicated students and foodshares have taken on this task. The hygiene plan is displayed at the Fairteiler.

Your help is needed to ensure that the Fairteiler runs smoothly and can fulfill its potential. Please adhere to the hygiene rules that are displayed at the Fairteiler and can be found in this brochure.

Hygiene rules:

  • Only share food that you would eat yourself. Do not put in any spoiled or moldy food!
  • Check the food for appearance and smell.
  • Feel jointly responsible! Dispose of spoiled food immediately if you find any!
  • Food past its best-before date (BBD) is permitted.
  • Food with an expired use-by date (VD) may not be placed in the fair divider. The legally required labeling reads: “use by ...”, which indicates the VD.
  • Refrigerated and opened food is not permitted.

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