Once a year in June, the University of Passau awards prizes for sustainability in the categories 'Sustainability-related research' and 'Sustainability activities on campus' as part of the Sustainability Day. The prizes are endowed with 1,500 euros each. We would like to thank Sparda-Bank for their generous support.
In 2024, Studierendenwerk Niederbayern/Oberpfalz received the ‘Honorary Award for Sustainability Activities on Campus’ for its commitment to environmental protection, social responsibility and ethical behaviour.
In 2024, Dr Paul Hamann-Rose received the ‘Prize for Research with Sustainability Relevance’ for his research into literary and cultural explorations of ecology and human-environment relationships.
The ‘Prize for Sustainability Activities on Campus’ was awarded to the ‘Innwerk’ association in 2024. The ‘Innwerk’ is an open workshop that actively combats the throwaway society by sharing tools and repairing them together.
The prize for sustainability activities on campus can be awarded to university members as individuals or as a group (e.g. a student initiative) who support the university's efforts to become an ecologically, socially or economically sustainable and climate-neutral institution with concrete ideas, projects and activities. These are in particular activities whose sustainable orientation is (also) reflected in a strong anchoring in the region.
The prize for sustainability-related research can be awarded to university members of all status groups whose scientific thesis or scientific oeuvre meets the challenges of sustainable transformation.