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Honours for special services to sustainability

2024: Lower Bavaria/Upper Palatinate Student Union

The Studierendenwerk Niederbayern/Oberpfalz (STWNO) received the ‘Honorary Award for Sustainability Activities on Campus’. The Studierendenwerk's activities in the field of sustainability cover various areas and demonstrate a strong commitment to environmental protection, social responsibility and ethical behaviour. For example, the STWNO only offers fair trade coffee, tea and cocoa in the cafeterias. The selection of chocolate products with the Trans Fair label also ensures that the producers are fairly remunerated. Another outstanding feature is the STWNO's sustainable commitment to workwear. The decision to favour labels such as the Green Button and fair trade cotton, as well as to use certified materials that have been tested for harmful substances, underlines the STWNO's endeavour to meet the highest sustainability standards in the procurement of textiles. The STWNO is also actively committed to sustainability and better animal welfare, as demonstrated by its accession to the European Broiler Chicken Initiative at the end of 2020. The STWNO is also making an important contribution to reducing disposable packaging by introducing its own reusable deposit cups and a reusable to-go system for food.

2022: Ludwig Zistler

Ludwig Zistler, the long-serving and deserving Head of the Department of Operating Technology, was honoured for his life's work and his outstanding efforts to achieve climate-neutral energy technology at the University of Passau.
In his laudatory speech, President Bartosch traced the stages of Ludwig Zistler's work since 1985 and concluded with the words: ‘His achievements and his profound and unique knowledge are not only a model for future technical innovations and further developments, but also a vivid example of what can be achieved regionally and implemented in terms of sustainability and independence.’

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