Your enrolment is terminated automatically at the end of the semester in which you complete your final examination, see Art. 94(1) Bavarian Higher Education Innovation Act (BayHIG).
Please note: “Final examination” in this legal text does not refer to any particular exam but means the end of the semester in which you have passed all assessments (exams and other assessments) required to complete the degree programme, these have been marked and your final degree certificate and documents issued; it does not mean that you will be de-registered from the programme after submitting your dissertation or thesis or sitting any specific module exam. An examination is only passed once this has been determined by the examining bodies.
The University will terminate your enrolment in accordance with Art. 94 BayHIG in the following situations:
In the case of a trial study programme (for persons with vocational qualifications, Art. 88(1) BayHIG), enrolment is terminated at the end of the semester in which a final fail is incurred in the trial study programme in accordance with Art. 92(2) sentence 1 BayHIG.
If you wish to apply for de-registration from the programme in accordance with Art. 94(2) BayHIG, you should submit a written Application for Termination of Enrolment [German content]; this must state the exact date of de-registration. The de-registration date cannot be prior to the date of reception of the application. Once your enrolment has been terminated, you will receive the confirmation letter (de-registration certificate) by post.
If you have already paid the semester contribution, it can only be refunded if de-registration takes place before the start of the semester (1 October or 1 April). You can then request the refund directly from the Student Services Association in the time from 1 April or 1 October until the start of lectures (usually about two weeks after the semester start).
Semester contribution reimbursement form [German content]
Regulation on matriculation, re-registration, leave of absence and termination of enrolment of the University of Passau (ImmSa) [German content]
You have just enrolled at the University of Passau and have subsequently changed your mind about the programme or the university? As long as the semester has not started yet, you can send a written request for cancellation of enrolment. This request must be received by the Student Registration Office by 31 March if the programme starts in the summer semester, or by 30 September for the winter semester. If you have already received a CampusCard, please return it together with your request. Once you have cancelled enrolment, any enrolment certificates already issued lose their validity and neither university nor subject semesters are counted. Subsequently, you will receive a letter from the Student Registration Office confirming that enrolment has been cancelled.
Request for cancellation of enrolment
Any semester fees already paid will be refunded upon receipt of the completed reimbursement form.
You have to return your CampusCard if your enrolment is cancelled or terminated before the end of the semester. If termination of enrolment takes place at the end of the semester (31 March or 30 September), you can keep your CampusCard.
If you still have any open balances (refectory, printer-copier balance) on your CampusCard, please get in touch with:
Refectory/cafeteria credit: Mensacard Office, Library Building (Innstrasse 29), room 163
Sandra Rüdiger-Müller:
Printer-copier credit: Kopierzentrale, Business/Economics Building (Innstrasse 27),
Student Registration Office
Innstrasse 41
94032 Passau
Phone: +49 851 509 1127