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University development planning

University Development Plan 2023–26

During the period 2023 to 2026 there will be a number of important decisions that will shape the future of the University of Passau. We will continue to develop as a place of academic responsibility with the best intra- and interdisciplinary research and attractive study programmes. In doing so, we are orienting ourselves on the higher education policy frameworks of the German Universities Excellence Initiative, the Bavarian High-Tech Agenda (HTA) and AI Competition, and the Bavarian Higher Education Innovation Act (BayHIG).

Higher education accord 2023–27

The higher education accord outlines the ten fields of action bindingly agreed in the framework agreement for higher education institutions 2023 to 2027 [German content] for the implementation of the higher education policy objectives, and furthermore, defines the performative steps that are conducive to strategic profile building in order to facilitate the establishment of University-specific focal themes.

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