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Sustainable catering on campus

Sustainability in the refectory: reusable tableware for takeaways

To reduce the mountains of disposable packaging created by the Mensa To Go takeaway scheme, the Student Services Association (Studentenwerk) introduced a reusable system to offer meals in a more environmentally friendly and appetising way. Refectory users have to register for this system once and are then able to take away their meals in borrowed, reusable containers. This is free of charge if the containers are returned within 14 days. Naturally, refectory users can also bring their own containers to the refectory. For further information visit the Student Services Association website.

Good to know: The food containers are made of food-safe plastics and are manufactured in Germany. They are good for up to 1,000 dishwashing cycles and are recycled once they are taken out of service. ORNAMIN, the company that manufactures these sustainable reusable products, collect the old containers and produces equivalent tableware. Munich-based start-up Relevo [German content], the company behind the app of the same name, is as committed to sustainability as it is to data privacy.


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Do you have sustainability-related questions or suggestions? Send us an email at nachhaltigkeit@uni-passau.de.

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