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EFRE Bayern

The European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) is supporting two programs in Bavaria in the 2021 to 2027 funding period:

  • The Investment in Growth and Jobs program (ERDF-IWB). For this, Bavaria has access to European Union (EU) funding of around euro 577 million for investments in Bavaria.
  • The European Territorial Cooperation (INTERREG) program. For cross-border projects under INTERREG, a total of 853.5 million euros from Europe will be effective, specifically in the Bavarian border areas

The Operational Program includes two funding areas:

  • Investment and competitiveness
  • Climate and environment protection

Further information

Interreg is part of the European Union's structural and investment policy and promotes cooperation between regions in Europe. Its aim is to strengthen harmonious, balanced and sustainable development as well as cohesion and competitiveness in Europe. Interreg is implemented in four priority areas (so-called action areas), of which INTERREG A and B are relevant for Passau.

Interreg is in its 6th funding period. For this, 8.96 billion euros from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) are available from 2021 to 2027.

The European Territorial Cooperation includes four orientations:

  • Interreg A: cross-border cooperation to promote integrated and harmonious regional development between neighboring regions with common land and sea borders.
  • Interreg B: transnational cooperation between national, regional and local partners in transnational cooperation areas or around sea basins to increase the territorial integration of these areas
  • Interreg C: interregional cooperation through cooperation networks and exchange of experiences to improve the effectiveness of existing instruments for regional development and cohesion. This program is not relevant for Passau.
  • Interreg D: Cooperation of the outermost regions of the EU. This strand does not concern Germany.

Interreg A

For the University of Passau, two regional areas are again relevant under the INTERREG A strand. Here, funds amounting to 99 million and 61.5 million euros respectively are available for the improvement of cross-border cooperation:

Here again a distinction is made between

  • People-to-people projects (p2p) (<5000 euro)
  • Small projects (< 35.000 Euro)
  • Medium projects (<100.000 Euro)

           --> These projects are supervised regionally by the Euregio.

  • Large projects (>100.000 Euro)

           --> to the program website

Interreg B

Three program areas are relevant for the University of Passau. Funds of 143 million and 269 million and 281 million Euros respectively are available to strengthen territorial integration with regard to the European Green Deals.

Application process:

  • The respective participating member states are responsible for the programs.
  • All decisions are made jointly by the participating member states.
  • For each program there is a common managing authority in one of the countries involved in the program.

Design of the projects:

  • The rules for application, funding and thematic orientation are laid down in the respective cooperation programs.
  • Project development usually follows the "bottom-up" principle
  • In each project, there is a leading partner, the so-called "lead partner"

Your contact persons

Ulrike Haberl
Ulrike Haberl
Raum N12 209
Nikolastraße 12
94032 Passau
Tel.: +49(0)851/509-5035
Sprechzeiten: Montag bis Donnerstag 10 bis 14 Uhr
Tina Ochmann
Tina Ochmann
Raum N12 209
Nikolastraße 12
94032 Passau
Tel.: +49(0)851/509-1111
Sprechzeiten: Montag bis Mittwoch 08:00 bis 14:00 Uhr, Freitag 08:00 bis 14:00 Uhr
Dr. Kerstin Theis
Dr. Kerstin Theis
Room N12 208
Nikolastraße 12
Phone: +49(0)851/509-1117
Consultation hours: all day
Birgit Luger
Birgit Luger
Room N12 210
Nikolastraße 12
Phone: +49(0)851/509-1118
Consultation hours: 8 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Julia Maly
Julia Maly
Room N12 210
Nikolastraße 12
Phone: +49(0)851/509-5411
Consultation hours: 8 a.m. to 1 p.m.
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