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Research Colloquium: Characteristics of digital development in transitional democracy: Myanmar as a Case Study

| Reading time: 1 min.

April 21 2023, 10 a.m. - 12 p.m.
Location: HK 28 SR010 (Dr.-Hans-Kapfinger-Straße 28)

The research colloquium will present the findings of a research on digital authoritarianism conducted by Dr Nwet Kay Khine, a Fellow of the Passau International Center for Advanced Interdisciplinary Studies. Dr Khine will discuss how the coup in Myanmar transformed the emancipatory potential of digital development to the tools of digital authoritarianism. Her research analyzes how a conflict state harnesses newly gained digital power for confronting citizens’ protest and control freedom of expression by importing strategies from its digital enablers. 

The research colloquium will be held in English. All members of the University of Passau and interested members of the public are cordially invited to the event.

A flyer for the event can be found here.

Registration via Stud.IP 44332 or for the public via e-mail: office-devpol@phil.uni-passau.de.


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