Logo of the University of Passau

Student Parliament

The Student Parliament (also known as the Student Convention), or StuPa for short, is the legislative body of the students. It usually consists of 23 members and is the highest body of student representation.

Decorative picture Decorative picture

About the Student Parliament

Who's in?

Every year, 16 members from the political university groups are elected to the StuPa in the university elections. In addition, the five student committees each send one representative to the StuPa. The two directly elected student senators are also automatically members. All members are entitled to vote.

What does the student parliament do?

The student parliament discusses the concerns of the students. It votes on motions and, if successful, approaches the university management, faculties or other university bodies with its concerns. The motions can contain concrete proposals as well as mere suggestions and guidelines.

Members of the student parliament (2024/2025)

LHG (Liberal Student Group)

Johanna Hellinger
Nicholas Haug

RCDS (Christian-Democratic Student Group)

Isabella Ellmer
Mara Ackermann
Maximilian Becker

GHG (Green Student Group)

Clemens Diener
Menja Lorenz
Svenja Quantz
Lorenz Elter
Chiara Nießner

Juso-HSG (Student Group of Young Socialists)

Johanna Richardt
Rebekka Amann
Maximilian Wimmer

The Left on Campus

Julian Frick
Luca Essel
Lisa Bichler

Representative of Humanities and Cultural Studies student committee (GeKu)


Representatives of Social Sciences and Education student committee (SoBi)


Representative of Business, Economics and Information Systems student committee (WiWi)


Representative of Computer Science and Mathematics student committee (FS Info)


Representative of Law student committee (FS Jura)


Student Senators

Lea Dahms
Clemens Diener

Decorative picture Decorative picture

Documents & Contact


Chairman/Chairwoman of the Student Parliament

StuPa Presidium

Innstraße 29, Zimmer M164 (Mensagebäude), 94032 Passau
+49 (0) 851 / 509 - 1970

Learn more


Deputy Chairwoman/Chairman of the Student Parliament

StuPa Presidium

Innstraße 29, Zimmer M164 (Mensagebäude), 94032 Passau
+49 (0) 851 / 509 - 1970

Learn more

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