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The Sustainability Hub has the following responsibilities:

  • Supervision of the research forum in the Sustainability Hub.
  • Contact point (Sustainability Office, Green Office) for questions concerning sustainability at the University of Passau
  • Sustainable operation and climate protection management (together with the department "Facility Management")
    • Sustainability strategy
    • Energy and heating & cooling
    • CO2 balance
    • Climate protection concept
    • EMAS+ certification
    • PV systems
    • Green space design and urban gardening
    • E-mobility and cycle path network
    • Climate-conscious procurement
  • Support and coordination of student activities in the field of sustainability
    • Student initiatives, e.g.
    • Lecture series on sustainability
    • Resource-conscious copying
    • Reusable tableware in the cafeteria
    • Anchoring these topics in social media

Structure and integration into the university

The University of Passau establishes a sustainable campus in the sense of people's responsibility for the protection of the environment and for a togetherness characterized by humanity. People at our sustainable campus live, research, teach and learn together in respect for nature and in awareness of the importance of sustainability of human thinking, acting and doing business. The organizational center of the sustainable campus is the Sustainability Hub, which supports the sustainable operation of the campus, promotes student activities, and advances interfaculty research at the university.

Management of the Sustainability Hub

Professor Werner Gamerith
Professor Werner Gamerith

Professor Werner Gamerith

University Executive Commissioner for System Accreditation and Internal Integration with the Cross-Functional Task of Sustainability

"We strive to become a sustainable, climate-neutral educational institution whose members set standards in the academic context and at different spatial levels through responsible ecological, social and economic action."


E-mail: werner.gamerith@uni-passau.de


Learn more


You want to be regularly informed about opportunities to participate in climate protection and sustainability? Sign up for the ClimUP-Newsletter!


Do you have sustainability-related questions or suggestions? Send us an email at nachhaltigkeit@uni-passau.de.

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