Within the menu item "Programme/module planner" you have the possibility to register for exams.
To find your exam number faster, you can display all content elements with "Expand all" and search for the desired exam number with CTRL+F. Alternatively, you can also call it up via the filter.
Then click on the registration button on the right side of the desired exam.When registering pay attention to the title of the course, the examiner, the exam date and the exam semester as well as whether it is a course work or an exam work.
After successful forwarding, register for the exam by confirming the registration button again. The mask gives you an indication of the area in which the performance is credited.
Admitted in this case means that you have successfully registered for the exam and the system has admitted you to the same. For some exams an additional registration is required (e.g. seminars). Please inform yourself accordingly with your examiner and on the websites of the respective professorships.