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Founders Café

The Founder Café focuses on the exchange of ideas and networking. Keynote speeches  provide food for thought and motivation to follow suit and do it yourself. These are given by experienced entrepreneurs, experts, young founders and people interested in starting up a business.

The subsequent Get-together offers the opportunity to ask experienced founders about their recipes for success in terms of team accuise, market entry or financing strategies.

Dr. Achim Dilling, current Chancellor of the University of Passau, launched the event in 2012. Since then, the organising team regularly invites founders in different start-up phases as well as entrepreneurship experts who pass on start-up-relevant information to the participants.

The city of Passau as well as startup-related institutions from business and society support the Founders Café, including the Lower Bavarian Chamber of Industry and Commerce, the Hans Lindner Foundation and the Lower Bavarian Startup Centre for Digitalisation.

Date Event Speaker


Is everything written in stone!? - The remake of the Founders Café in Passau

Moderation: Miriam Homolka, startup support at the University of Passau and Anna Kaiser, INN.KUBATOR


Startups made in Passau

Sabine Mattern UnternehmerTUM (Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs)
Moderation: Startup-Coach at the University of Passau and Entrepreneur Stefan Jelinek

17.11.2016 Startup Slam Vol.3, feat. by Gründungscafé 6 founder teams from Passau Beto (Constanze Seibel & Julia Lohfink) CuciCuci (Tina) as well as the Startup-Coach of the University of Passau and Entrepreneur (Stefan Jelinek)


Social Entrepreneurship

Beto (Constanze Seibel & Julia Lohfink)
Franz der Bettenbauer (Veronika Hackl)
Moderation: Startup-Coach at the University of Passau and Entrepreneur Stefan Jelinek



Jodel (Alessio Borgmeyer, Alexander Linewitsch)
Moderation: Startup-Coach at the University of Passau and Entrepreneur Stefan Jelinek



Start-ups in Living, Design und E-Commerce

Wohnraumkarte (Manuel Koch)
design bubbles (Katharina Baumann)
FounderPrima Donna Shop and Mey Shop as well as
Regional Management County Freyung-Grafenau (Stefan Schuster)
Moderation: Startup Coach of the University of Passau (Stefan Jelinek)
17.11.2015 Special Edition: Gründerwoche Deutschland

My Home Doctor (Jan Aits)
Devatax (Dr. Maria Diekmann, Dr. Peter Schmid)
Donate Infinity (Tobias Osterloo, Philipp Stauffenberg)
Moderation: Dr. Achim Dilling

06.05.2015 Fuck-up Night – Start-up Stories about Failure and Success

Carlos Garcia
Moderation: Dr. Achim Dilling

08.12.2014 Start-up in Fashion and Lifestyle Blønd (Ann-Britt Dittmar)
design bubbles (Katharina Baumann)
Counseling Center for Women - Education&Career (Alexandra Hosch)
Moderation: Dr. Achim Dilling
17.11.2014 Special Edition:
Gründerwoche Deutschland

myIDkeeper  (Iris und Christian Vilsmeier)
innowerk IT (Jan Aits)
krautstarter (Frederik Zoller, Corinna Helfrich)
Moderation: Dr. Achim Dilling

03.05.2014 Going Start-up – Best Practices Viclo-Virtual Closet (Philipp Limburg, Philipp Laurim)
myIDkeeper (Iris und Christian Vilsmeier)
Moderation: Dr. Achim Dilling
22.01.2014 Gründungscafé @ InnoRivers InnoRivers (Dr. Maria Diekmann)
High-Tech Gründerfonds (Marvin Andrä)
S-Refit AG (Dr. Peter Terhart)
Moderation: Dr. Achim Dilling
21.11.2013 Gründungscafe @ IHK Niederbayern IHK Niederbayern
IT Inkubator Ostbayern GmbH (Christoph Michel)
Moderation: Dr. Achim Dilling


Gründungscafé @ Uni Passau Studentenflohmarkt.de (Carlos Garcia, Ralph Bärligea, Philipp Nolte)
Kanzlei Späth KG Steuerberatungsgesellschaft (Thomas Späth)
Moderation: Dr. Achim Dilling
22.04.2013 Gründungscafé meets InnoRivers InnoRivers (Dr. Maria Diekmann)
Wirtschaftsjunioren Passau e.V.(Korbinian Faltner)
unica.to (Florian Podewils)
Moderation: Dr. Achim Dilling
24.10.2012 Gründungscafé Start up!  

Contact for enquiries

Helene Schneider
Helene Schneider
Room LU8 241
Ludwigstraße 8
Phone: +49(0)851/509-1595

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