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Entrepreneurship Day

We Are Celebrating Passau's Entrepreneurial Spirit!

Date 2025 tba | Innsteg Auditorium

Are you interested in getting to know Passau's Entrepreneurial Community and being inspired by exciting start-up ideas? Are you a founder yourself and looking for a way to establish your start-up in the scene? Are you an investor or business angel looking for promising start-up ideas?

Then stay informed and look forward to E'Day 2025!

What our E'Day offers for...

...companies and business angels

Experience first-hand what is developing in the start-up ecosystem at the University of Passau. The E'Day offers you, as company representatives and business angels, the opportunity to establish contact with new start-up teams and expand your network with committed, creative minds. Be the first to discover the potential of new ideas and business models emerging directly from the university.


Take advantage of this opportunity and also network with other founders, company representatives, business angels and potential interns! In addition, you can apply again in 2025 for pitches, the start-up fair and the Entrepreneurship Award of the University of Passau.

A look back at past E'Days

Impressions of E'Day 2024

Click on the link to watch the video from Niederbayern TV (approx. 15:47-20:16 minutes).

These are the winners of the E'Award 2024

1st prize: MySpirulina

€3,000 in prize money, donated by the Neuburger Gesprächskreis e.V.

2nd prize: Luvia

3rd prize: Reviving Rugs

Click on the link to watch the video from Niederbayern TV (approx. 0:38 min to 5:00).

These are the winners of the E'Award 2023

1st prize: MEDTIP GmbH

€3,000 in prize money, donated by the Neuburger Gesprächskreis e.V.

2nd prize: Lesson Organizer

3rd prize: SPOFERAN GmbH

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These are the winners of the E'Award 2022

1st prize: nevi GmbH

€3,000 in prize money, donated by the Neuburger Gesprächskreis e.V., and three months of mentoring with Jürgen Eckel, BCG Digital Ventures.

2nd prize: djoon foods GmbH

3rd prize: Career Captain

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Contact us

Maria Wilhelm
Maria Wilhelm
Room LU8 226
Ludwigstraße 8
Phone: +49(0)851/509-1573
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