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'Gründungszeit' (Start-up time)

Academic leave for business planning

Thanks to the start-up period, you can also work intensively on founding your company while you are still studying: You can apply for up to two semesters of leave and thus concentrate on your start-up full time. During your start-up period, we support you with several consulting sessions and get you and your start-up ready for a successful launch!

Note: Due to legal visa regulations, the Gründungszeit (Start-up time) cannot be used by students who are in Passau on a visa.

How it works

Potential testing

Our start-up consultation examines your start-up project with regard to

  • its potential
  • its plausibility
  • of the current state

If you have any questions about your business idea before applying, please feel free to make a personal consultation appointment through the Department IV: Transfer and Qualification.

Application for vacation semesters

Please submit the appropriate application  to the Registrar's Office at least six weeks prior to your planned semester of leave. A maximum of two semesters of leave is possible.


If your start-up period was approved, there will be three additional counseling appointments throughout the period:

1st meeting (within the first three weeks of the founding period):
Organisational aspects and procedure

2nd and 3rd meetings:
a. Progress of the company foundation
b. Comprehensive foundation consulting
c. Networking with other founders, advisors, experienced entrepreneurs and investors.


Two weeks before the end of your start-up period, you write a report in which you record (on a maximum of two A4 pages) your progress with the start-up and outline the planned further course. You submit this report to your start-up advisor.

Start-up counselling appointment

Follow us

Contact for inquiries

Helene Schneider
Helene Schneider
Room LU8 241
Ludwigstraße 8
Phone: +49(0)851/509-1595
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