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Citavi – Site License Renewed Until 2020

New license keys are being handed out for the renewed license.

| Reading time: 1 min.

Entering a new license key

All Citavi Users who already have a license key will receive an e-mail from account@citavi.com in the next couple of days. The Site License has been renewed for another three years. To be able to continue to work with the full version you will have to re-enter your license key.

How to re-enter your license key

Click on the link you received with the e-mail. You can find your new license key on your Citavi account page. (If you do not yet have an account, click register.) After logging into your Citavi account you will find your license key on the right-hand side of the screen (see screenshot). Then follow steps 1 through 7.

Screenshot Citavi_Account, Lizenzdaten

Of course, all your existing projects will remain intact. Please contact citavi@uni-passau.de regarding any questions or problems you might have.


I agree that a connection to the Vimeo server will be established when the video is played and that personal data (e.g. your IP address) will be transmitted.
I agree that a connection to the YouTube server will be established when the video is played and that personal data (e.g. your IP address) will be transmitted.
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