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UI GreenMetric Ranking

GreenMetric Ranking 2023: University of Passau in the top 15 percent worldwide

The University of Passau continues to achieve great success in international comparison with its sustainability activities. After entering the GreenMetric Ranking in 2021 as the best new participant worldwide, the University of Passau continues to perform excellently in 2023 and remains among the top 15 percent of international universities and higher education institutions.

In the new GreenMetric Ranking, the University of Passau occupies position 134 out of a total of 1,183 participants. The fact that it is able to hold its own so well in the international top group is particularly remarkable, as the field of participants has grown by a further 13 percent compared to the previous year. It is also very pleasing that the University of Passau's overall score has increased by 200 points to 8,180 points (max. 10,000).

As in the previous year, this "green ranking" is led by Wageningen University & Research in the Netherlands (9,500 points). Nottingham Trent University (UK) once again took second place, with the Environmental Campus Birkenfeld/Trier in third place. Among the German universities, the University of Passau continues to achieve the third-best position.

Further information can be found in the press release dated 6 December 2023.

University of Passau among the world's top 15 percent. After a pleasing debut in 2021 as best newcomer worldwide, the University's second participation in the University of Indonesia's 2022 GreenMetric Ranking has also been rather successful.

Based on its sustainability activities, the University now ranks among the best 15 percent of international higher education institutions. Having climbed 56 places, the University of Passau is now in 129th position and is steadily making its way upwards into the international leading group. This result is all the more remarkable considering that the number of participants has once again risen significantly to 1,050 higher education institutions, compared to the 956 HEIs that took part in last year's ranking.

Just like last year, Wageningen University & Research (Netherlands) came out on top in the ranking. Second and third places went to Nottingham Trent University and the University of Nottingham (both UK) respectively. Passau's campus took third place in Germany; The highest-scoring German university is the Environmental Campus Birkenfeld (Trier University of Applied Sciences, in 6th place).

For more information, please see the press release of 19 January 2023.

The University of Passau emerges from its first participation in the GreenMetric Ranking as the best newcomer worldwide: it achieves an excellent ranking among the top 20 percent of participating universities right from the start. This ranking assesses the extent to which universities position themselves in a holistically sustainable manner - for example, with regard to energy consumption and climate protection, but also in research and teaching.

Further information (in German) can be found in the press release of 11 February 2022.

About GreenMetric

The GreenMetric Ranking has been conducted annually since 2010 as a non-profit initiative. It evaluates a comprehensive range of sustainability activities and parameters of international universities and colleges. Specifically, the following six categories are examined:

Setting and Infrastructure, Energy and Climate Change, Waste, Water, Transportation and Education.

For further details on the sustainability ranking visit the GreenMetric Ranking website.

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