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Passau's Law Undegraduate Programme in national comparisons

Legal Tribune Online's rankings of German law programmes

Legal Tribune Online (LTO) is a German news portal for law professionals. In 2020, it produced the LTO-Ranking, based on a survey among law students. Among other things, students were asked how satisfied they were with their universities, why they had chosen their universities, what the law student community at their university is like, and how they rate the teaching quality.  LTO collected around 1800 survey submissions.

The University of Passau received the second highest place in Germany in the overall LTO ranking. The University of Passau also received the second highest score in the current CHE ranking.

BRF law graduates' survey

The national union of law students' committees - Bundesverband rechtswissenschaftlicher Fachschaften e.V. (BRF) - is the independent national representative body for Germany's 120,000 law students.

The BRF's graduates' survey has been contributing to the debate around updating legal education in Germany for years. Its results provide valuable data to examination boards and policital leaders, highlighting what students think of their education and what sort of reforms students would like to see implemented for future generations of law students.

In the current BRF graduates' survey, the University of Passau achieved a number of best-in-class results:

  • Highest ranked for students' recommendations
  • Best exam preparation scheme
  • Best teaching resources
  • Best overall coverage of legal knowledge
  • Excellent international partner / exchange programmes
  • Highest student satisfaction with key skills course offerings
  • Best rated lecturers for motivation and subject knowledge
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