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Honours Degree in Entre­preneurship

The Honours Degree in Entrepreneurship is the first interdisciplinary certificate course supported by chairs from all faculties at the University of Passau.

Students from all faculties, Bachelor's and Master's programmes and all semesters can take part.

Participants should already have an initial idea and possibly also a team. Individuals can try to found a team or join a team during the Focus Days.

The focus is on developing a business model which, above all, contains a solid business plan and is presented in a comprehensible manner.

The seminars are held both by the participating chairs and by external speakers.

New this cohort: a podcast series that is exclusively available to participants and will be recorded by alumni of the University of Passau from the Entrepreneurship Context (currently in progress). This is intended to combine role models and content input and incentivise participants to put the content into practice.

Program duration: April 24 to November 20, 2025.

2025-04-24, 10:00 - 18:00
24.04.2025: (ITZ) SR 004

Additional Information

Open to all
Prior registration required
Organised by University of Passau, Referat IV/1 Transfer und Gründungsförderung
Event website https://www.uni-passau.de/gruendungsunterstuetzung/veranstaltungen/the-honours-degree-in-entrepreneurship
Contact organizer of event Maria.diekmann@uni-passau.de

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