If you are interested or have questions about participation, please contact Mareike Hoffmann (hoffm124@ads.uni-passau.de).
Zoom link for the live stream of the event: ttps://uni-passau.zoom.us/j/68598768673?pwd=RTlrTWo4NlQvQjhYWTVIdzVNNUtmZz09
On the occasion of the renaming of the chair from "Comparative Development and Cultural Studies - Focus Southeast Asia" to "Critical Development Studies - Southeast Asia" (CDS-SOA), Prof. Dr. Padmanabhan invites you to a scientific symposium at the University of Passau on 07/08 July 2022.
If you are interested or have questions about participation, please contact Mareike Hoffmann (hoffm124@ads.uni-passau.de).
Zoom link for the live stream of the event: ttps://uni-passau.zoom.us/j/68598768673?pwd=RTlrTWo4NlQvQjhYWTVIdzVNNUtmZz09
Please address your enquiries regarding this press release to
Nicola Jacobi or Barbara Weinert
Phone: +49 851 509 ext. 1434 or 1450