The first part of the visit focused on a meeting between students and the guests. Bhargavi Krishna, Isha Das, Udit Sawhney and Sharon John, co-founders and members of the Indian Students' Association Passau (SwaDesi), took the opportunity to share their experiences, challenges and successes during their studies in Passau. The topics discussed were study finance, obtaining visas and integrating into the academic environment.
“We are grateful for this welcome sign connection. The visit of Consul General Shatrughna Sinha means a strengthening of our efforts for good relations with Indian universities. The number of Indian students at Passau is certain to grow in the future. The India Corner will surely give them piece of home in Passau”, said Professor Ulrich Bartosch, President of the University of Passau.
Consul General Sinha, Consul Bashir and University President Bartosch showed themselves delighted to learn of the work of the SwaDesi members, who support Indian students with practical tips for everyday life and studies. SwaDesi also organises festivals to bring Indian culture to Passau’s university community.
For the ceremonial opening of the India Corner, the second part of the visit, the students, together with the guests of honour and the University President, carried the books donated by Consul General Sinha and Consul Bashir into the Central Library. There they were welcomed by Dr Steffen Wawra, Director of the University Library. After a talk and a tour of the library, the visit ended with a look at the already extensive Indian literature in the Central Library. Dr Steffen Wawra expressed his hope that the India Corner, as a multifunctional space, will be able to support the academic, cultural and social interests of Indian students at the University and act as a widely visible symbol of India's immense intellectual wealth.