The applications will be in Social TV (programme recommendation), Brand Reputation Management, and call centre operations. MixedEmotions will implement an integrated Big Linked Data platform for emotion analysis across heterogeneous data sources, different languages and modalities, building on existing state-of-the-art-tools, services and approaches that will enable the tracking of emotional aspects of user interaction and feedback.
MixedEmotions is sponsored by the Horizon 2020 Framework Program for Research and Innovation for two years. The University of Passau collaborates with the National University of Ireland Galway, the Technical University of Madrid (Spain) and the Brno University of Technology (Czech Republic) as well as five industrial partners: Phonexia from the Czech Republic, Deutsche Welle from Germany, Paradigma Tecnológico from Spain, Expert Systems from Italy and Sindice Ltd. from Ireland.
The sub-project led at the University of Passau will mainly provide cutting-edge tools for both emotion annotation and analysis from audio-visual data. The researchers at the Chair of Complex and Intelligent Systems under the supervision of Professor Björn Schuller will also provide systems to perform the automatic recognition of gender and spoken language to boost the emotion recognition performance. Moreover, the University of Passau will be responsible for the adaptive fusion of multimodal information. Finally, the researchers will contribute to business scenario development, data selection, dissemination of the scientific results of MixedEmotions via tutorials and workshops and knowledge transfer from academia to industry by way of webinars and training sessions.
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