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Forest kindergarten: Childcare places still available for September 2024

There are still places available at the Caritas Waldkindergarten at the University of Passau for the start date of 1 September 2024. (English website is currently being created.)

We are also happy to put your child or children on the registration list for possible later entry dates.

| Reading time: 1 min.

[Translate to Englisch:] Kind setzt Pflanzen in Erde

[Translate to Englisch:]

Register your child or children by sending an e-mail to familienservice@uni-passau.de
Include the following information: 

  • the full names of both parents/guardians (first and last names)
  • information on which parent(s)/guardian(s) belongs to which status group of the University of Passau (employed/student - please state matriculation number) or comes from outside (non-university)
  • the child's full name (first name and surname)
  • the child's date of birth
  • Your address in Passau or in the district of Passau (primary residence)
  • Your current contact details, with telephone number (mobile)
  • This data will be forwarded by us to Mrs Rüther from the Cartiasverband für die Diözese Passau e. V. (operator of the Waldkindergarten) to register for a childcare place. 

To conclude a childcare contract, please contact the regional management of the forest kindergarten directly from 1 August 2024: 

Mrs Ursula Rüther
E-mail: Ursula.Ruether@caritas-passau.de 
Telephone: +49 851/392-764


This text was translated using automated translation software. Please note that we cannot, therefore, guarantee the correctness of the translation. If you have any questions, please contact the Family Services office of the University of Passau.

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