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Learning AID Bochum

On September 2nd and 3rd of 2024, Veronika Hackl participated in the Learning AID conference in Bochum. In her presentation, she shared the preliminary results of a study on the effectiveness of AI-generated feedback compared to peer feedback and lecturer feedback. Other discussion topics at the event ranged from practical applications in prompt engineering to Germany's international positioning in the AI-landscape. The conference highlighted how intensely the role of AI in education is currently being debated.

Stud.IP Tagung 2024

One of our ZIM team members Melika Mirza Agha Khan presented our DeepWrite project under the title "Integrating AI into Stud.IP" at the "Stud.IP Tagung 2024" conference in Göttingen, Germany on 12 of September, 2024. The lecture dealt how to use the DeepWrite idea in Stud.IP. This could make managing courses easier and give students and teachers better support. Furthermore, the in the future possible usecases of integrating AI into university teaching were discussed and an outlook on this was given. In addition, the possibility of using DeepWrite in Stud.IP by other universities were also discussed.

Conference „Rechtsdidaktik in der Krise“

Our team members Sarah Großkopf, Christian Braun and Simon Alexander Nonn presented the Project DeepWrite on 16th and 17th of November 2023 at the conference "Rechtsdidaktik in der Krise?!" (legal didactics in times of crises) in Salzburg, Austria. Titled "Argumentieren als juristische Kernkompetenz im Zeitalter von KI?" (Argumentation as a core legal competence in the age of AI), the presentation focused on legal prompt engineering and the (automatic) structuring of case solutions. Furthermore, the opportunities and challenges of integrating AI into university education were addressed and an outlook was given. In addition, the possibility of training an AI model that is specifically tailored to the needs of the German legal system and to the “Gutachtenstil”, the argumentation style used in legal training in Germany, was discussed.

GfeW annual meeting in Erfurt

Prof. Johann Graf Lambsdorff presented first results of the DeepWrite-Study "Can GPT-4 Replace Humans? A Competition on Ranking Open-Text Answers" at the annual meeting of the Gesellschaft für experimentelle Wirtschaftsforschung (GfeW e.V.) from 20 to 22 September of 2023 in Erfurt. In this study, the DeepWrite team investigates the reliability of GPT-4 in ranking student answers to open-text questions in macroeconomics compared to human evaluations. The findings are not only of interest to academia, but have important implications for the (further) development of DeepWrite applications and the progress of the project. GfeW is the world's oldest association of experimental economists.

Learning AID Bochum

Our team members Sarah Großkopf, Christian Braun and Simon Alexander Nonn visited Learning AID in Bochum on August 28 and 29 of 2023. Together with the project sponsor VDI/VDE-IT and another project from the federal-state initiative "AI in Higher Education", KI-Rollout, a joint workshop was offered on Tuesday, which focused on the opportunities and challenges of (Chat)GPT. In the final discussion round, other projects also participated and topics such as prompt engineering and Germany's role in AI development were explored in depth.

EARLI Thessaloniki

Stephan Geschwind and Deborah Voß returned from Thessaloniki with a lot of positive feedback and ideas. There they represented the DeepWrite project at the EARLI conference from August 22 to 26 and presented the ArgueNiser in an ICT demonstration. The theme of the conference, which celebrated its 20th edition this year, was "Education as Hope in uncertain Times." Educational researchers from over 60 countries participated. In addition to exchanging ideas with other researchers in the field of AI in higher education, the main focus for our team members was to gather feedback for the ArgueNiser. The tool is designed to help students learn argumentation structures relevant to their discipline. It will be tested in lectures for the first time in the upcoming semester.

23rd German Judges' and Prosecutors' Day

Our student assistants Walter Doyle and Alberto Mader attended the 23rd German Judges' and Prosecutors' Day in Weimar from March 29 to 31, 2023, which focused on digitization and the impact of Artificial Intelligence on the judiciary under the title "Programmed Law - Absolute Justice?". In particular, the event focused on Artificial Intelligence and its impact on the judicial system.

Panel discussion - ChatGPT in Legal Teaching

On March 21 of 2023, Dr. Martin Zwickel from the FAU Erlangen hosted a panel discussion on "ChatGPT in Legal Teaching - effects and application scenarios", in which Prof. Dr. Urs Kramer participated. The discussion was about the impact of AI language models on legal didactics and legal education.

8th international SCADS.AI Summer School 2022

From the 11.07.2022 until the 15.07.2022 the German Center for Scalable Data Analytics hosted it's „8th international SCADS.AI Summer School 2022“ in Leipzig. 

As part of this conference, Prof. Dr. Jelena Mitrović, leader of the research group CAROLL, held a talk on „Computational Rhetoric Approach to Solving Complex NLP Tasks“.

ELSA June Conference – Smart Law

From the 24. until the 26. of June 2022 ELSA-Passau hosted its second June conference under the topic "Smart Law". The goal of this conference was nothing less than discussing the future of law and the digitalisation of legal professions. Amongst other experts Prof. Dr. Kramer presented the project DeepWrite and its role in shaping legal education in the 21. century.

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