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Berufe im Profil international: AI Product Owner for the video game industry and Metaverse

Speaker: Soroosh Mashal

Company: audEERING GmbH

Position: Lord of entertAIn (actual job title in the contract), product owner of entertAIn product line

Degree programme: Master’s of Computer Science

Personal Description:

• I value human emotions as they are an integral part of our individuality

• I aspire to create an innovative future were emotions matter

• I use Artificial Intelligence to create Emotion AI products for the video game industry and Metaverse

What defines your job

Mandatory requirements are:

• Knowledge of programming languages: C++, C#, Web frameworks, Unity, Unreal

• Scrum and Agile methodologies

AI modeling

• Data science

• Digital marketing

• Business Development

Necessary soft skills:

• Strong communication skills (believe me, no matter how good you think you are, it’s not enough in an international world)

• Public speaking

• Presentation

What I like most:

• A product owner is the point that Business, Marketing, Development, Research, Data and Management collide.

• If you can speak these languages, you’re the best fit.

Most exciting challenge so far:

• Creating a unique product that never existed in the world before me ????

• Don’t get discouraged by:

• Rejection, and lack of faith in you.

My job is especially suitable for people studying: Computer science (but also have great social skills).

Brief job description:

You need to own your product. You must see it as your baby, that you want to see it grow and go into the world. To ensure your products grows properly, you must lead and communicate with many teams in your company.

After asking the customers what they want, you should constantly stay in touch with the data team to feed proper data to the brain of your child.

You should loop in with the research team to ensure that the brain of your child have enough intelligence ;-)

The product owner must lead the development team to ensure your child behaves properly.

The test team must constantly put your child to the test, and you need to know where he/she is failing.

Further information:

Access to the lecture is free and without registration! A non-binding registration on Studi.IP is nevertheless requested.

In cooperation with iStudi Coach

2022-12-14, 18:00 - 20:00
Ludwigstraße 8, LU 8, SR 307

Additional Information

Anmeldung über StudIP Nr. 65015 erwünscht

Open to all
Prior registration requested
Organised by ZKK Zukunft: Karriere und Kompetenzen (ZKK)
Event website https://www.uni-passau.de/zkk/veranstaltungen/berufseinstieg#c157260
Contact organizer of event zkk@uni-passau.de

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Ulrike Holzapfel
Room VW 120a
Innstr. 41
94032 Passau
Phone: +49(0)851/509-1440

Anja Resch
Room VW 121a
Innstr. 41
94032 Passau
Phone: +49(0)851/509-1446

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