Women's representatives

For the university
The Women's Representative supports the University in fulfilling its task of promoting the actual equality of women and men and eliminating existing disadvantages. In particular, she supports the interests of female academics, female teaching staff and students.
Please contact the Women's Representative for the University of Passau, preferably by e-mail at frauenbeauftragte@uni-passau.de.
Women's Representative for the University


Areas of activity
One of the central tasks of the Women's Representative for the University is to coordinate and network the Women's Representatives for the faculties, as well as all other contact persons and points of contact dealing with the topic of gender equality. The representatives meet at least once a semester within their respective faculties. Inter-faculty meetings also take place at least once a semester at the meetings of the Women's Advisory Council.
Women's Advisory Board
The Women's Advisory Board consists of the Women's Representatives for the University and the Faculties, the Gender Equality Officer, the Diversity and Gender Equality Officer of the Student Parliament, the Equal Opportunities Officer, including their deputies, and the contact person for anti-discrimination in accordance with Art. 25 II BayHIG. In addition, all interested students, academic and academic support staff, as well as professors, are invited to the public part of the meeting.
The advisory board meets once or twice a semester to exchange information and discuss current and upcoming gender equality-oriented events, problem cases, applications and other gender equality-related topics. The women's representatives for the faculties can use this forum to exchange ideas and discuss faculty-specific issues and to find solutions together in a dialogue across the university. Before the Senate elects the women's representatives for the university, the President listens to the Women's Advisory Council regarding its personnel suggestions. The Senate is to be informed of the results of the hearing.
State and Federal Conference of Women's Representatives and Gender Equality Officers at Higher Education Institutions
The Women's Representative for the university is a member of the State Conference of Women's Representatives and Gender Equality Officers at Bavarian Higher Education Institutions (Landeskonferenz der Frauen- und Gleichstellungsbeauftragten an Bayerischen Hochschulen, LaKoF). The LaKoF represents the interests of women at higher education institutions and shapes the gender equality policy debate in the higher education sector in Bavaria. At the federal level, the network of the Federal Conference of Women's Representatives and Gender Equality Officers at Higher Education Institutions (Bundeskonferenz der Frauen- und Gleichstellungsbeauftragten an Hochschulen, bukof) deals with gender equality policy issues in the higher education sector.
The Women's Representatives for the University and for the individual Faculties are the points of contact for female academics and students on matters of career planning in studies and academia, the awarding of scholarships, conflicts and problems at work, and gender equality issues in the Faculties and the University.
- Areas of counselling
- Pregnancy and studies or career
- Reconciling family and studies or career
- Mobbing, discrimination
- Sexual harassment, stalking
- Faculty-specific equal opportunities measures
- Contract extension during maternity leave and parental leave
The Women's Representatives for the University and for the Faculties provide information to interested young female academics from the postdoc phase onwards about the funding measures provided by the Free State of Bavaria as part of the Bavarian Gender Equality Programme (BGF). The Women's Representatives are supported in this by the Executive Support Unit Diversity and Gender Equality:
The Women's Representative for the University is a voting or advisory member of various governing bodies. This is regulated, among other things, by the Bavarian Higher Education Innovation Act (Bayerisches Hochschulinnovationsgesetz, BayHIG). The representative is therefore a voting member of the Extended University Executive and the Senate, as well as all the Senate's advisory committees. She is also an advisory member of the University Council and has the right to be heard by the University Executive.
Overview of governing bodies with voting rights:
- Extended University Executive (BayHIG, Art. 22 Para. 3)
- Senate (BayHIG, Art. 22 Para. 3)
- in all advisory committees of the Senate (BayHIG, Art. 22 Para. 3)
- Assembly of Representatives of the Student Services Association (BayHIG, Art. 117)
- Board of Directors of the Student Services Association (Studentenwerk) (BayHIG, Art. 118)
- Women's Advisory Council (chairperson)
- IT Advisory Committee
- Transfer Advisory Committee
- Commission for the Allocation of Scholarships to Promote Equal Opportunities for Women in Research and Teaching (chairperson)
- Assembly of Representatives of the Student Services Association (Studentenwerk) for Lower Bavaria and the Upper Palatinate
- State Conference of Women's Representatives and Gender Equality Officers (Landeskonferenz der Frauen und Gleichstellungsbeauftragten)
- Federal Conference of Women's Representatives and Gender Equality Officers at Higher Education Institutions (Bundeskonferenz der Frauenbeauftragten und Gleichstellungsbeauftragten an Hochschulen e.V.)
Übersicht Gremien mit stimmberechtigter Beteiligung:
- Erweiterte Universitätsleitung (BayHIG, Art. 22 Abs. 3)
- Senat (BayHIG, Art. 22 Abs. 3)
- in allen beratenden Ausschüssen des Senats (BayHIG, Art. 22 Abs. 3)
- Vertreterversammlung des Studentenwerks (BayHIG, Art. 117)
- Verwaltungsrat des Studentenwerks (BayHIG, Art. 118)
- Frauenbeirat (Leitung)
- IT-Beirat
- Transferbeirat
- Kommission zur Vergabe der Stipendien zur Förderung der Chancengleichheit für Frauen in Forschung und Lehre (Vorsitz)
- Vertreterversammlung des Studentenwerks Niederbayern/Oberpfalz
- Landeskonferenz der Frauen und Gleichstellungsbeauftragten
- Bundeskonferenz der Frauenbeauftragten und Gleichstellungsbeauftragten an Hochschulen e.V.
For the Faculties
The Women's Representatives for the Faculties are responsible for ensuring and promoting the actual equality of women and men in their respective faculties. They are voting members of the appointment committees and faculty councils, members of the Women's Advisory Board and the first point of contact for the members of their faculty.
Please contact the Women's Representative for the Faculty of Law preferably via the e-mail address fakultaetsfrauenbeauftragte-jur@uni-passau.de.


Please contact the Women's Representative for the Faculty of Business, Economics and Information Systems preferably via the e-mail address fakultaetsfrauenbeauftragte-wiwi@uni-passau.de.


Please contact the Women's Representative for the Faculty of Social and Educational Science preferably via the e-mail address fakultaetsfrauenbeauftragte-sobi@uni-passau.de.


Please contact the Women's Representative for the Faculty of Humanities and Cultural Studies preferably via the e-mail address fakultaetsfrauenbeauftragte-geku@uni-passau.de.


Please contact the Women's Representative for the Faculty of Computer Science and Mathematics preferably via the e-mail address fakultaetsfrauenbeauftragte-fim@uni-passau.de.

Dates, news and updates

Do you want women to be seen and heard in STEM subjects and to work towards greater equality and diversity at the Faculty of Computer Science and Mathematics?
Then become a (deputy) Women's Representative for the Faculty of Computer Science and Mathematics! In addition to committee work, you will support in cases of discrimination and harassment, take care of social media and event planning.
Contact us at fakultaetsfrauenbeauftragte-fim@uni-passau.de and become part of a great, dedicated team!
Discrimination based on gender, poor work-life balance, few role models: these are all problems that affect particularly women in academia, and they result in a decreasing proportion of women as their careers progress. While the proportion of female students at the School of Business, Economics and Information Systems at the University of Passau was 43% in 2020, and 47% among doctoral candidates, the proportion of female professors was only 23%. In order to promote gender equality in academia, all faculties have special women's representatives. In the episode #119 How to Gleichstellung", doctoral candidate Sophie Ringler talks to the representatives of the School of Business, Economics and Information Systems Katharina-Maria Wagner, Laura Kochendörfer, Johanna Zimmermann and Christina Petrik about what gender equality actually means. They also talk about the problems and hurdles that women in particular face in their academic careers (starting with their studies) and what the four of them do in their voluntary work at the faculty to promote gender equality.
Please note: this podcast episode is only available in German.