Leon Boegel
Raum 243
Dr.-Hans-Kapfinger-Str. 30 (HK30)
94032 Passau
Telefon: ++49 (0) 851 509-2539
E-Mail: Leon.Boegel(at)uni-passau.de
Leon Boegel is a doctoral student at the “Bioeconomy Economics” group, working on the project “WATERWISE: Co-designing sustainable management solutions for resilient Alpine headwaters”. He did both his Bachelor’s and his Master’s degree in International Cultural & Business Studies at the University of Passau. He focused on geography, ecology and economics.
He also studied at Università degli Studi di Roma – La Sapienza as part of the ERASMUS-program, where he gained experience in the fields of GIS and spatial statistics.
His research interests lie within the field of environmental economics, especially in the statistical analysis of the socio-economic aspects of Alpine headwaters and their vulnerability to climate change and the water management in the Alps. As part of the project he conducts workshops with various stakeholders in the Alpine space.