Family Service Newsletter March 2021
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Dear families,
In this newsletter, we would like to draw your attention above all to the Studying with Children Award, which was newly announced today.
We wish you a good start into spring!
Your family service
Our topics:
Study-with-Child Award: Apply by 14 April 2021
The University of Passau awards the "Studieren-mit-Kind-Preis" once a semester at allfaculties. The prize is awarded to the best graduates with a child or children in each faculty who have completed their studies with above-average academic performance.
The prize money is 500 euros each. With this award, the University of Passau recognises the special commitment of student parents who have managed to combine raising children with successful studies.
The application deadline is 14 April 2021.
All documents and information can be found on the website of the Diversity and Gender Equality Section.
Online registration form for pregnant and breastfeeding students
Are you pregnant or breastfeeding your child? Then you can now easily submit your data via our new online registration form. Within the
framework of the Maternity Protection Act, the University of Passau is obliged to take appropriate measures to protect you and your (unborn) child, if necessary.
Psychological Counselling of the Student Union Lower Bavaria/Upper Palatinate
The Studentenwerk Niederbayern/Oberpfalz (StwNO) has expanded its counselling services for students: Since mid-January, psychological counselling has also been offered to students at the University of Passau. This is linked to the social counselling service of the Studentenwerk and currently operates out of Regensburg. The first qualified psychologist, Johanna Zechmeister, is already on duty and introduces herself briefly in her profile. From April 2021, another psychological counsellor will join the team.
Bridging aid from the Federal Ministry of Education and Research for students in pandemic-related distress is extended
The bridging allowance first introduced by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) in June 2020 and most recently extended up to and including March is now being extended to cover the entire 2021 summer semester. So if you find yourself in a pandemic-related emergency from April onwards, you can submit further applications for bridging assistance until the end of the 2021 summer semester. You can find more information about the extension on the Studentenwerk website.
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