Family Service Newsletter July 2021
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Dear families,
In this newsletter we would like to draw your attention above all to offers that may require your quick decision.
We wish you a wonderful July!
Your Family Service
Our topics:
Diversity Mentoring Programme mentUP* - Application deadline extended until 07.07.
Would you like to develop your career in science in a targeted way or take on responsibility as a manager in the future? The University of Passau's diversity mentoring programme mentUP* supports you in strategic career planning, imparts career-relevant knowledge and prepares you for leadership positions.
With mentUP*, the University of Passau supports members of groups that have so far been underrepresented in universities and in leadership positions. The programme is aimed at Master's students, students about to take their state exams, doctoral students, post-docs and post-doctoral researchers from all faculties. The next round will start in October 2021. Applications can be submitted up to and including 07.07.2021.
If you have any questions, please contact Ms Alexandra Horsch by e-mail at or by phone at +49 (0)851/509-1034.
Parent-child room in the Central Library open again
The parent-child room 117 in the foyer of the Central Library can be used again. Until further notice, only one household should be in the room at a time. You can get the key to the parent-child room at the circulation desk by showing your CampusCard as a deposit.
The room is cleaned briefly every day at lunchtime. There is also a bottle of disinfectant and paper towels in the room for the users.
If you have any questions about the parent-child room, please email
Stadtjugendring: Holidays for children in the forest adventure park - places still available
Under the direction of Sandra Hörtreiter, the Stadtjugendring is again organising a holiday programme in the forest adventure park for children aged 6 to 13 from the city of Passau. (If an older sibling is taking part, children as young as 5 can also take part after consultation).
Individual places are still available for the periods from 16.08. to 20.08. and from 06.09. to 10.09.2021.
Registration by the day is possible.
Framework care times: 7:00 to 17:00 hrs.
Costs: 8 euros per day, including breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack and drinks.
To register, send an email to or call +49 (0)851-37 93 24 95.
More information can be found on the website of the Stadtjugendring.
Further childcare offers for the summer holidays can be found, for example, on the website of the City of Passau and in the annual programme of the Kreisjugendring Passau.
pro familia Niederbayern e. V. : Stillcafé-Open Air am 15.07.
The pro familia e. V.Breastfeeding Café will only take place in the open air on Thursday, 15.07.2021, from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m., at the Boiotro playground in Passau's Innstadt district, weather permitting.
You can find more information about the Breastfeeding Café on the Facebook page of profamiliaNiederbayern e. V.
pro familia Niederbayern e. V. : Lecture on the introduction of complementary feeding on 23.07.
On Friday, 23.07.2021, the lecture "Beikost - Einführung von Beikost achtsam und entspannt" (Introduction of complementary food in a mindful and relaxed way) will take place from 17:00 to 19:30 at the midwife practice Lebenszeichen in Löwengrube 1 in Passau's Innstadt.
Participation fee: 10 euros
Registrationunder +49 (0)851-53 121 or
More informationabout the lecture can be found on the Facebook page of profamiliaNiederbayern e. V.