ClimUP-Newsletter November 2023

You are interested in climate and environmental action? Stay tuned!

At the beginning of each month, the newsletter provides you with opportunities to climUP the campus and your life!

Current information

Call for participation at the mobility survey

The University's climate action manager, Angie Schüppel, needs your help. In order to set up a greenhouse gas balance and find reduction measures, it is necessary to record the mobility behavior of the University's members - both staff and students. Prof. Dr. Gamerith, the Sustainability Officer, and the University's President, Prof. Dr. Bartosch, ask you to take part in the short, anonymous online survey (only in German). Thank you for your participation until November 6th, 2023!

Call for participation by Prof. Dr. Gamerith and Prof. Dr. Bartosch

Flyer Mobility survey

Current events

Lecture Series Sustainability: Migration and sustainable development in West Africa starting November 8, 2023

This year's sustainability lecture series focuses on sustainability and migration in West Africa, a space that is currently characterized by environmental changes, especially climate change, but also intense political disputes and upheavals. Speakers from science and practice will shed light on various aspects of migration and (sustainable) development in West Africa.

The lectures take place every other Wednesday from 6pm to 8pm in HS3 in the Philosophicum building (PHIL). The dates and correspondng topics can be found on the poster.

Volles Programm, vorlesbare PDF erscheint beim Draufklicken

PR Practice Day: Social change on November 11, 2023

Are you interested in political communication, social change, current events and future topics such as new food, energy transition and sustainability?

Register for the PR practice day (held in German) on November 11, 2023 from 10am to 2:30pm in WIWI SR 034 and find out about the diverse career opportunities in communications consulting - with the communications consultancy Engel und Zimmermann in collaboration with kuwi.netzwerk.

You can find more information in the brochure. Binding registration by November 8, 2023 by email to

Flyer PR Practice Day

Presentation: Planeatary Health Diet on November 14, 2023

On Tuesday, November 14, 2023 at 6pm the lecture “Planetary Health Diet – Menu of the Future” will take place in the University in Regensburg. The lecture with PD. Dr. med. Carmen Jochem and Dr. med. Michael Kertai will be broadcast via  YouTube-Livestream!

What is the planetary health diet? The menu combines health requirements for our diet and the impact of food production on the planet, for example on biodiversity, greenhouse gas emissions and soil pollution. You can find more information on the website of the Studentenwerk Niderbayern/Oberpfalz.

More information can be found on the webpage of the Studentenwerks Niderbayern/Oberpfalz.

[Translate to Englisch:] Planetary Health Diet - Vortrag am 14.11.23 um 18 Uhr

Presentation: Land grabs and ecology on November 20, 2023

Land grabs and ecology: The impact of European colonization of Australia on people, flora and fauna

On Monday, November 20th, 2023 from 7pm to 9pm in the HS9 in the Audimax (AM), GeoComPass e.V. invites you to the lecture held in German by Prof. Dr. Norbert Finzsch (University of Cologne).
The land grab in Australia, similar to other settler colonies, led to a profound transformation of the ecology, but in this case it had particularly harsh consequences because, on the one hand, Australia - with the exception of the northeast - is an arid area, and on the other hand, white settlers began to destroy the forests to clear land and to practice livestock farming on a large scale. The indigenous population, which at 750,000 people is not particularly numerous anyway, was deprived of their livelihoods. The balance between people and “nature” was significantly disrupted. With the salinization of the soil and the desertification of the land, the disruption of the ecosystem continues to have repercussions on the lives of the Aborigines today.

You can find more information on the website of GeoComPass e.V.

Steppe landscape

Current opportunities to participate

Illustration: Diskussion zwischen verschiedenen Menschen

Round Table Sustainability on November 06, 2023

To make sustainability and climate action more visible on campus, the Sustainability-Hub invites you to engage and act. We are founding the "Round Table Sustainability", a networking opportunity for the entire family of the University - especially the science support staff and students. We will meet regularly to exchange on the efforts and activities on campus.

The next Roundtable will take place on Monday, November 06, 2023 from 4pm to 5:30pm and will present difffering students activities on campus to promote sustainability.

Activities on campus

Sustainability activities of Studentenwerk Niederbayern/Oberpfalz

The Studentenwerk Niederbayern/Oberpfalz (STWNO), as the operator of the mensa and cafeterias, is committed to sustainability. This commitment has been summarized in a German brochure in which you can find out more about the activities. For example, the STWNO aligns with the planetary health diet in the long term. This meal plan of the future combines health and respect for planetary boundaries. You can find more details on the STWNO website and in the above-mentioned presentation on November 14th, 2023. In the week from November 13th to 17th there will also be a daily dish based on the principles of this menu.

The cafete in the Audimax (AM) was reopened at the beginning of the semester. It offers a large selection of vegetarian and vegan snacks, such as fair trade chocolate bars, vegan croissants and the vegan burger from the food truck as a quick lunch if the mensa line is too long. Take a look!

Healthy food selection with fruits, vegetables, seeds, superfood, cereals on gray background

Tip of the month

Save paper when printing

Every other tree worldwide is cut down to produce paper. Therefore, think carefully about whether you really need to print out documents, emails or other information. Every sheet of paper uses resources - including recycled paper. You can

  • comment on, edit, save and send documents and emails electronically
  • take a photo or write down the information on a piece of scratch paper if you only need it for a short time.

If you cannot avoid printing, print double-sided (and black and white), use paper printed on one side as scratch paper and separate your paper waste in the office from residual waste to provide raw material for the production of recycled paper.

A person lying under a pile of paper

Contact information

Project funding

National Climate Action Initiative

With the National Climate Action Initiative, the German Government has been initiating numerous projects since 2008 that contribute to reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Its programs and projects cover a broad spectrum of climate action activities: From the development of long-term strategies to specific support and investive funding measures. This variety is a guarantee for good ideas. The National Climate Action Initiative contributes to the local implementation of climate action activities. Consumers, companies, municipalities and eductional institutions have benefitted from the initiative.

Stelle gefördert vom Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz und die Nationale Klimaschutzinitiative aufgrund eines Beschlusses des Deutschen Bundestags

V.i.S.d.P.: Universität Passau, Innstraße 41, 94032 Passau
Tel.: 0851/509-4116
In case of questions contact: