ClimUP-Newsletter February 2024

Good luck with your exams!

Do you want to make a difference and create sustainable changes on campus and in your everyday life?
Get inspired and learn how you can get involved! In this month newsletter, you will find the information you need. Join us and together let's shape a more sustainable and climate-friendly future!

Current information

Construction of the photovoltaic systems starting

The construction of the University's photovoltaic systems is commencing!

Following the commitment of €4.5 million by the Bavarian State Ministry of Science and Art for the establishment of photovoltaic systems over the next years, construction work is now underway. This initiative will enable the generation of a significant portion of the annual electricity demand in an environmentally friendly manner. In the first phase, individual university-owned buildings outside the campus will be equipped with PV modules. This includes the buildings at Leopoldstraße 4, Karlsbaderstraße 11, Innstraße 125, Michaeligasse 13, Nikolastraße 12, and Gottfried-Schäfer-Straße 20. The construction is expected to be completed by mid-March, but this is subject to weather conditions.

Photovoltaic systems generate renewable energy from sunlight, contributing to the reduction of the University's greenhouse gas emissions and decreasing reliance on non-renewable energy sources. Additionally, photovoltaics enable decentralized energy production, enhancing the resilience of the energy supply system.

Photovoltaik-Anlage an Hauswand

Prices for Sustainability 2024

The University of Passau has considered it its responsibility since its founding to actively support and advance sustainability in research, teaching, transfer, and education for sustainable development. Every year in June, the university, against this backdrop, awards prizes in the categories of "Research with Sustainability Reference" and "Sustainability Activities on Campus" as part of the "Sustainability Day." Each prize is endowed with 1,500 euros.

On behalf of the Representative of the University Leadership for Sustainability, Prof. Dr. Werner Gamerith, we would like to inform you that you can still submit proposals for the University of Passau Sustainability Award 2024 in the category "Sustainability Activities on Campus" until February 29. Individuals or groups within the university community can be nominated, recognizing their efforts in supporting the university's initiatives towards ecological, social, or economic sustainability and climate neutrality with concrete ideas, projects, and activities. Your proposals are warmly welcome via email to (self-nominations are not allowed).

grüne Glühbirne zwischen grauen

Survey on Mensa meals

The AStA cordially invites you to participate in a survey on Mensa meals [DE].

Your opinion is crucial to enhance the quality and variety of the offerings. The data collected in the survey will be internally analyzed, and the results will be used to initiate a dialogue with the relevant authorities. The survey only takes a few minutes and is completely anonymous.

Umfrage zum Mensa-Essen

Call for Participation in the Education for Sustainable Development Congress

Under the motto #wandelUP - Collaboratively Shaping Transformative Education in Schools and Universities, the University of Passau invites you to a the Education for Sustainable Development Congress from October 7 to 9, 2024. Various aspects of Education for Sustainable Development will be discussed, and the program will be structured according to the GreenComp, the European Competence Framework for Sustainability.


The organizing team from the Teacher education Center (ZLF) and the Chair of Geography with a Focus on Education for Sustainable Development invites contributions in various formats: lectures, discussions, workshops, etc. All formats are welcome in the program! A Call for Papers has been released for scientific sessions, and you are encouraged to participate or share with interested parties.

For questions and suggestions, you can contact

Logo Sustainable Development Goals: Bildung

Student initiative for the introduction of a yellow recycling bin in Passau

Upon the initiative of the Sustainability Officers of the Student Parliament, a student group is currently forming to advocate for the introduction of a yellow recycling bin in Passau. A study by the Environmental Protection Agency indicates that the collection system for lightweight packaging through a recycling center is environmentally and economically the least favorable solution, and Passau currently employs such a system. Therefore, the initiators are advocating for the implementation of a yellow reycycling bin in Passau and are seeking allies. Do you want to contribute to this change? Contact or visit their Instagram page.

You can find more information in the information notice of the initiators [DE].

Gelbe Tonne für Passau

Revised sustainability website

Over the turn of the year, we, as the Sustainability Hub, have revamped our website, particularly enhancing the "Sustainable Campus" section with detailed content and information about efforts and activities for greater sustainability and climate protection on campus. Take a look! The translation is currently underway.

Logo "Nachhaltiger Campus"

How you can participate

Your ideas for sustainability and climate protection are welcome! You can submit them anonymously on the website!

Workshop Energieversorgung: Strom, Wärme und Kälte

Round Table Sustainability on February 15, 2024

We warmly invite you to participate in the upcoming meeting of the Round Table Sustainability.

As part of our University's climate action concept, we are intensifying our focus on measures we aim to implement on campus over the next 10 to 15 years in the new year. To facilitate this, five workshops on the topics of Nature and Environment, Energy, Procurement, Mobility, and Waste/Water will be offered.

The next session will address "Energy Supply: Electricity, Heat, and Cooling" on campus:

Date: Thursday, February 15, 2024
Time: 2:15 PM to 3:45 PM
Location: WIWI SR027

All interested individuals are welcome, regardless of existing knowledge on the topic of energy. The workshop will provide basic information to ensure an accessible and enriching experience for all participants.

Save the date: All meetings

The dates for all workshops can also be found to save the date in the poster.

Workshoptermine Nachhaltiger Campus

What the University does

Secondhand market for IT devices

In the second hand market for IT devices, employees of the University have the opportunity to receive devices for official use at no cost. These devices may no longer meet the technical requirements of certain departments but still function well for regular use. This is an excellent option, especially for administrative staff or departments with limited resources.

Workspace programmer with laptop and computer pc on table.

What you can do

Use Ecosia as your search engine

Ecosia is a sustainable search engine that allocates a significant portion of its advertising revenue to reforestation projects. By using Ecosia, you can actively contribute to environmental protection and help reduce CO2 emissions. The search engine prioritizes transparency, data privacy, and raises awareness of environmental issues.

You can easily add Ecosia to your browser and use it as your default search engine.

Logo Ecosia

Contact information

Project funding

National Climate Action Initiative

With the National Climate Action Initiative, the German Government has been initiating numerous projects since 2008 that contribute to reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Its programs and projects cover a broad spectrum of climate action activities: From the development of long-term strategies to specific support and investive funding measures. This variety is a guarantee for good ideas. The National Climate Action Initiative contributes to the local implementation of climate action activities. Consumers, companies, municipalities and eductional institutions have benefitted from the initiative.

Stelle gefördert vom Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz und die Nationale Klimaschutzinitiative aufgrund eines Beschlusses des Deutschen Bundestags

V.i.S.d.P.: Universität Passau, Innstraße 41, 94032 Passau
Tel.: 0851/509-4116
In case of questions contact: