February 25th, 2014
New BioDIVA Briefing Note 5, 2014 now online!
This briefing note summarizes the main results from the workshop: “National Level Dialogue - Transdisciplinary research on agrobiodiversity and land use change: Cultivating diversity”, held by BioDIVA and its local partner, the M.S. Swaminathan Research Foundation (MSSRF) in Chennai, India on September 2-4, 2013.
The event brought together participants from various backgrounds, including experts,civil society representatives and policy makers, with shared concerns about trends in land use change that are affecting agrobiodiversity. The workshop explored strategies for sustainable land use and policy integration in discussions around the following key topics: (1) ‘Transdisciplinarity: Involving practitioners’ knowledge to create solutions’, (2) ‘Feedback loops: Communicating science across levels’, and (3) ‘Transformation knowledge for gender equity and sustainability’.