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Together with the University of Passau and its EXIST-funded PATEC project, Social Impact Award Germany is hosting a two-day interactive workshop in Passau on 21 and 22 June 2024. Young, innovative people will have the opportunity to develop their own ideas for charitable initiatives, projects and social enterprises. The event is supported by Bayerische Sparkassenstiftung and Sparkasse Passau.

| Reading time: 4 min.

Young people sitting on a table and working on their ideas

If you want to find out about the world of social entrepreneurship and (further) develop your own ideas, the Social Impact Weekend in Passau is the right place for you.
Over the course of two days, participants will be guided step by step through the workshops. On Friday, the participants learn about the diverse world of social entrepreneurship and find out what entrepreneurial solutions for social or ecological challenges can look like. The participants will then work on finding and concretising their own ideas. On the second day of the workshop, these ideas will be built upon and the topic of social impact will be explored and an initial entrepreneurial concept for the idea will be developed.

Participants will also have the opportunity to exchange ideas with local social entrepreneurs who will share their journey, their businesses and also challenges - passing on their valuable tips and tricks and bringing theory together with their experience.
The entire event is free of charge and participation is possible with or without an idea - alone or in a team. The Social Impact Weekend consists of three modular workshops, which can be attended one after the other or individually. It is possible to join at any time. However, it is recommended that you attend the whole weekend in order to benefit from an optimal exchange with other participants and to familiarise yourself with the range of methods that can be used to develop your own ideas into concepts for social enterprises.

Don't have an idea for a social or ecological challenge yet? No problem! During the first workshop - Ideas for Change - on Friday, ideas will be exchanged with the other participants and initial solutions will be developed in small groups using a creative brainstorming process. These ideas can be worked on further in the 2nd and 3rd workshops on Saturday. The participants end the two days with an initial rough concept.

Participants who already have an idea for a social project or a sustainable business concept will also get their money's worth.
The weekend can be used to obtain feedback on the idea from local, community-orientated stakeholders and other participants, to learn new methods and to revise and further develop the ideas. In the workshop, helpful local support services will be presented to provide inspiration and motivation for ‘sticking with it’.

Programme overview:

Ideas for Change (Friday, 15:00-18:00)
- Introduction to Social Entrepreneurship (SE)
- Different perspectives on SE
- Interactive idea generation

Creating Impact (Saturday, 10 am - 1 pm)
- Introduction to social innovation
- How start-ups can contribute to social change
- Analysing social problems
- Working with the persona method
- Revising the core of the developed idea

Social Business Lab (Saturday, 2-5 pm)
- Introduction to business models of social start-ups
- Structuring the ideas with the help of the Impact Canvas
- Information on further local funding programmes

We are already looking forward to an inspiring weekend and numerous exciting ideas!
Event details:
Venue: IT Centre | University of Passau (Innstraße 43 SR004 (ITZ))
Date: 21 June 3 - 6:30 pm and 22 June 10 am - 5 pm
Free registration: https://sia.click/siw-passau

To the organiser:

Social Impact Award: Social Impact Award (SIA for short) is Europe's largest community of young social innovators under the age of 30 and has been supporting creative minds in developing their innovative ideas for an ecologically sustainable and socially fairer future since 2009. The most promising projects are supported and awarded annually as part of a comprehensive incubation programme.

Passau - The Entrepreneurial Campus (PATEC): With the project ‘Passau - The Entrepreneurial Campus’, the University of Passau is pursuing the goal of establishing a perceptible and activating start-up culture. Students from all disciplines can take advantage of networking, training and counselling services. They benefit from the connection to their direct place of study and from the proven teaching and research expertise of the University of Passau. The project, which has been running since September 2020, is funded as part of the ‘EXIST-Potentiale’ programme of the Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection, which aims to increase start-ups from science.

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