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Universität Passau
94032 Passau

Telephone: +49 851 5090
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Organisational structure and legal form:

Universität Passau (the University of Passau) is a statutory corporation and a state institution in accordance with Art. 4(1) Bavarian Higher Education Innovation Act (Bayerisches Hochschulinnovationsgesetz; BayHIG). The University is supervised by the Bavarian State Ministry of Science and the Arts (Bayerisches Staatsministerium für Wissenschaft und Kunst), Salvatorstr. 2, 80333 Munich.


The University of Passau is represented by its President, Prof. Dr. Ulrich Bartosch. Overall responsibility for the content of the website pursuant to § 5 of the digital services act (Digitales-Dienste-Gesetz, DDG) rests with the President of the University of Passau. Articles, posts or statements of any kind which bear the name of the author or authors or which are subject to a separate legal disclaimer are the responsibility of the respective authors.

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